How is SPARKE funded?
In December 2022, the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) announced funding for the ‘Getting quality evidence to policy makers and practitioners more quickly: Applying novel methods to identify effective, scalable interventions to prevent e-cigarette use in youth’ study for a period of four years from January 2023 to December 2026.
Can I join the SPARKE collaboration?
If your study is a randomised controlled trial including cluster randomised trials with:
Assessing the effects of e-cigarette prevention
Adolescents ages <19 years
Participants must have not previously used e-cigarettes (and related products with or without nicotine), or tobacco
Trials must also have a follow-up period of at least 6 months from baseline to enable sufficient period of latency for the primary and secondary outcomes.
Have not commenced follow-up data collection.
Agree to the research procedures, including the inclusion of ‘core outcomes’ and provision of individual participant data to enable harmonisation for analysis.
Where is the SPARKE collaboration based?
Members from the SPARKE collaboration are based at the University of Newcastle and the University of Sydney, Australia but we have partnerships with trialists all over the world!
Can I receive updates on SPARKE?
If you are a trialist who is eligible and interested in our study, please feel free to contact the research team via our email. Updates will be published here on our website when they become available.
When will results be publicly available?
The SPARKE Collaboration is currently commencing work on the protocol, after having recently being awarded an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Maternal Health and Healthy Lifestyles Grant (Grant No. 2023364). It is anticipated that results will be available by December 2026. Please contact us via our home page if you would like to be kept up to date on the SPARKE Collaboration.
I am a member of the press and am interested in writing a piece on the TOPCHILD Collaboration. How may I get in contact?
The SPARKE Collaboration is always open to interest from the media, please feel free to use our contact form on our home page and a member of the Collaboration will get back to you as soon as possible.